Overview of Rameswaram Island

Quick Facts

Area : 51.8 Sq KM
Political Grade Third grade municipality
Population 44,856 (As per 2011 census)
Number of wards 21
Population Density 850/Sq M
Major Employment Fisheries, Tourism, Religious Sacraments
Official language Tamil
Languages Spoken Tamil, English, Hindi, kannada, malayalam, telugu  (Generally native people speak Tamil , but guides , Drivers, shop keepers are well versed with  other languages too)
Major Religions Hinduism, Christianity, Islam, Sikh
Type of Region Tropical Island city
STD Code +91 4573
Vehicle Registration Number TN 65
Time Zone IST (UTC + 5.30)

Geographical info:

Latitude 9.28339° 16´ 60 N
Longitude 79.3000° 17´ 60 E
Altitude Sea level
Country India
State Tamilnadu
District Ramanathapuram
Season Tropical
Average temp Max : 37°C  , Min : 17°C
Climate Tropical
Temperature (Summer ) 30 to 38 ° C  (April – August)
Temperature (Winter ) 25 to 30 ° C (December – February)
Average Rain fall 50 cm

Transportations for Rameswaram:

Mode of Transport Description Distance from main city
RAILWAY (Rameswaram Railway station )  Connected with all major cities like Chennai, Madurai, Coimbatore, Trichy, Varanasi , Okha, Thirupathi etc  (Detailed list) 2 Km
ROAD WAY ( Rameswaram Bustand)  SETC, TNSTC  Buses Connect all important towns of Tamil Nadu, City Buses ,Tourist taxi, auto  rickshaws and horse carts are available for local transportation.(Detailed list ) 2 Km
AIR  (Madurai  International Airport) Nearest AIRPORT Located at Madurai. Connecting Chennai, Mumbai, Hyderabad, Colombo. 174 Km from Rameswaram