Travel and Transportation in Rameswaram

We can reach Rameswaram by means of Trains , Buses (Government or private) or private vehicles. The following Table gives the modes of Transport facilities and details.

Mode of Transport Description Distance from Rameswaram city
RAILWAY (Rameswaram Railway station )  Connected with all major cities like Chennai, Madurai, Coimbatore, Trichy, Varanasi , Okha, Thirupathi etc  (Detailed list) 2 Km
ROAD WAY ( Rameswaram Bustand)  SETC, TNSTC  Buses Connect all important towns of Tamil Nadu, City Buses ,Tourist taxi, auto  rickshaws and horse carts are available for local transportation.(Detailed list ) 2 Km
AIR  (Madurai  International Airport) Nearest AIRPORT Located at Madurai. Connecting Chennai, Mumbai, Hyderabad, Colombo. 174 Km from Rameswaram


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