Astonishing Facts about Rameswaram

Historical Facts about Rameswaram

Facts about The transport facilities  and the Sea Bridge

1902  Train  service started from Madurai – Mandapam
1906 Railway Tracks laid between Pamban and Rameswaram
1908 Train service started between Pamban and Rameswaram
1911 The cantilever Rail bridge across the sea was commenced
1914 The pamban Rail bridge has been completed and train service started
1988 The Road bridge across the Rameswaram and mandapam was opened


Pamban Rail Bridge

Pamban Road bridge

Facts about The Temple

Temple Third Corridor

The specifications of third corridor:

Number of pillars 1212
Height 22 feet 7.5 inches
Outer wing (East – West) 690 feet
Outer wing (North south) 435 feet
Inner Wing (East – West) 649 feet
Inner Wing (North south) 395 feet