Olaikkuda Beach in Rameswaram

Olaikkuda  is one of the fishing village in Rameswaram island. The sea shore of this village is termed as “Olaikuda Beach”. The sea of this region is engulfed with coral reefs. Though the village and the beach of the Olaikuda region is silent and calm,  birds such as “sea gulls”, “flamingos”, and other birds  visits this place during winter.

How to reach Olaikkuda Beach?

One can reach Olaikuda beach by took a small walk on the sea shore from Agni Theertham or by means of road  towards Olaikkuda village.

Olaikkuda Map

What’s up for me there ?

** – It is unsafe for tourists to reach interior (sea shores or places) in to Olaikkuda village.  Mostly they are lonely and un inhabited places.