People’s life in Rameswaram:
The Rameswaram has population of 44,856 of which 22,783 are males while 22,073 are females as per report released by Census India 2011.
Population of Children with age of 0-6 is 5022 which is 11.20 % of total population of Rameswaram (M). In Rameswaram Municipality, Female Sex Ratio is of 969 against state average of 996. Moreover Child Sex Ratio in Rameswaram is around 974 compared to Tamil Nadu state average of 943. Literacy rate of Rameswaram city is 82.61 % higher than state average of 80.09 %. In Rameswaram, Male literacy is around 87.64 % while female literacy rate is 77.42 %.
Tourism and fishery employs the major source of income among Rameswaram residents. Being an island fishing is the traditional occupation of the people. Rameswaram is one of the important fishing centers of Tamil Nadu. Fishing, collection of seashells, exporting sea foods, tourism, restaurants, Hotels, prohitham (Hindu religion’s holistic rituals), sea shell, pearl, conchs , marts are the main occupations of the Rameswaram people.
There is a famous saying roam around the rameswaram which says “In the island of Rameswaram people never plough the fields or using oil-presses to obtain oil”.
The soil of rameswaram is not suitable for agriculture, however in some lands around the island people cultivate vegetables, Coconut , palm and tamarind trees. Coconut and palm trees are the main vegetation of this island. Palm leaf baskets, idols made up of coconut, fiber bags made out of coconut and palm fibers are crafted by rameswaram people.
Basically Rameswaram is an industrially backward town – there has been no demarcation for industrial land due to the pilgrim sanctity and ecological fragile geography. sea foods processing, ice and sea shell crafting kind of industries are the only industries ran in rameswaram.